We find exceptional products so you don't have to. Elevate your boutique, hair, grooming or beauty store.

About Us

We are passionate about elevation. We want to elevate the businesses and lives of everyone we partner with. Yes, we distribute grooming, beauty, hair & shaving products in the Australian market. But... what we really want to bring to you and your business are brands that transform what your business can achieve. We are selective in who we will partner with. Both the brands and our retail customers. Because we care - we only want to match our brands with stores that will spread the right message. With stores that have the right customers who appreciate high quality grooming & beauty products. This perfect match ensures you will see an increase in your sales with happy customers that can take your store to the next stage of your journey.

We provide a full service to our customers to save them time, make selling and launching products easy. Because, we care about your success and we know the path to get you there. We are experienced in creating successful promotional planning and provide all content, sales education and ongoing support beyond what you would expect from your distributor.

We partner with Australian grooming, beauty, hair, shaving and department stores that have customers who are looking for high quality, luxx products.

If you feel your store is a great fit for Luxx Brands then please create a wholesale account here.

Let's do great things together.

 ~ The Luxx Brands Team